How to manage rejection

If you’ve been in the working world for a while, it’s likely that you will have dealt with rejection in terms of recruitment and job hunting. Sometimes, these rejections are expected and it’s easy to brush them off. Other times, it’s more of a challenge and it can leave you wondering what you did wrong and whether there is a suitable job out there for you at all. In these situations, it’s important to know how to handle rejections and how to move on from them.

Take a look at your CV or Resume

If you find that you’re being rejected before you’ve even made it to the interview stages, it’s possible that the issue lies within your CV or resume. This is the first impression that a potential employer will have of you, so it needs to be good. If you aren’t sure how to improve your resume, it can be helpful to ask friends for their opinions or make use of a resume-writing service.


Not every potential employer will be able to provide feedback, but it’s always worth asking. Even if the feedback isn’t necessarily positive, it will still have value. By trying to find out the reasons for your rejection, you will be able to work on any areas which need it and improve on your approach for next time.

Look for the Positives

At the risk of sounding like one of those positivity quotes, there are positives to every situation, although this can sometimes be difficult to remember. Even if it feels as though you’re receiving one rejection after another, you will be moving closer to finding your ideal role. Take time to think about the things you are pleased with in your CV or your approach to interviews, and reflect on the differences between now and the beginning of your job-hunting journey.

Moving on

Once you’ve had time to think about areas of improvement and reflect on any feedback, it will be time to brush yourself off and move on. Rejection is never nice, but your perfect job is waiting for you. For additional support in finding your dream role, get in touch with our team here at PDR and find out how we can help.