Tips for Hiring Temporary Staff
Why Hire Temps?
There are lots of reasons why companies choose to hire temporary staff over the holiday period here are our PDR Group top tips:
1. Candidates often have more availability
Individuals who are specifically looking for temporary contracts over the holidays are generally less likely to want to take time off. They know that they will be filling hours which can’t be filled by the existing workforce and are usually keen to take additional hours to top up their income.
2. There are pools of people available who won’t be looking for long-term contracts
During the winter and summer holidays, students will often return from university looking for short-term work before returning to their courses. This makes them ideal for temporary contracts as they won’t be looking for a long-term commitment.
3. There will often be less competition for candidates
Many companies reduce their recruiting efforts over the holiday period, which can make it an excellent opportunity to find the best people for each position.
Tips for Hiring Temporary Staff Through the Holiday Season
If you’re considering hiring temporary staff for your company over the holiday period, there are a few things you will need to consider.
1. Be clear about what you want
Although most people applying for holiday temp jobs will be expecting a short term contract which typically lasts for less than three months, there will still be some who hope for a more long-term contract. Equally, you might be hiring temporary staff with a view of extending contracts if individuals prove themselves to be valuable assets. Whatever your intention, make sure you are clear in your job listing and throughout the interview process.
2. You may still need to be flexible
Although people applying for temporary jobs over the holiday season are more likely to be available, they may still ask for time off to spend with their families. Make sure that you are clear in your expectations, but still try to be flexible wherever possible.
3. Get started early
If you’re hiring for the holidays, you will only need staff for around three months. However, you should probably start hiring at the end of August or beginning of September so that you have the best possible pool of candidates to choose from. This will also help to reduce the amount of competition you with face from rival companies.
PDR Group specialise in temporary and permanent roles through the south east, get in touch for any advice or support by emailing or call 01892 530226